
My academic work focuses on (inter-)national security politics and urban policing, democratic experimentalism in security and foreign affairs, and the so-called worlding of security theories and International Relations.

Urban security: This research looks into the perfection and internationalization of integrated urban security dispositives both in the West and in the so-called Global South. It analyses the evolving recombination of material and immaterial security instruments across cultural, material, and political contexts.

Security professions: This work looks closely at the participants of security fields. What knowledge(s) of urban, national and international (in)security do they create or occupy? How do their professional standings and functions evolve over time?

Rationalizing danger: This cluster investigates how dangers are made sense of. It lends particular weight to different security concepts such as threats, risks, resilience or vulnerability, and it asks what policies different – political, participatory, scientific, experiential et cetera – ways of ‘knowing insecurity’ empowers.

(In)security and foreign policy: This research addresses how democracies (re-)construct ‘foreign dangers’ as collective threats that demand bilateral and multilateral responses. It traces the ways such constructions developed in Europe since World War II, how such framing processes interact with multi-sited and populist forms of contestation, and the foreign policy programs they empower.

Researching/teaching global politics: This cluster focuses on the production, spread and use of ‘international savoir-faire’. It analyses what ideas of international politics are taught and popularized, where, and why, and it probes the potential of more integrative and global perspectives on International Relations/international relations.